Appendix G: Suggestions for Studying Vocabulary Words

by Irene

How to study vocabulary  (a suggestion)

 1.     For each chapter you will receive a list of new words, using 2 columns:

 French                                                            English

zéro                                                                 zero

un                                                                    one; a; an

deux                                                                two

Madame                                                          ma’am, Mrs.


 2.     Listen to the pronunciation of the words in French on Moodle.  Once you have the sound of the words in your head, work on learning the meaning and the spelling.

 3.     Cover up the French side with a piece of paper.  Look at the English word and say (or write out) the French word.  Then check if you were correct.  If you don’t know the word (meaning and correct spelling), put a Ö by it.  After doing the entire list once, go back and review the “checked” words, continuing to add checks until you have them all right.  When you have it memorized correctly, put a slash through the check.

 4.     Repeat the process by covering up the English side and doing the same thing.

 5.     Writing out the new words will help you learn them.  Many students write each word out 5 or 10 times.  This uses the tactile mode for learning.

 6.     Studying from this page will allow you to learn French è  English as well as English è French.

 7.     These vocab sheets are also helpful when studying for a large test or final exam.  (Study the “checked” words especially well.)

8.     Hint to help with genders of words:  highlight the masculine words in blue and the feminine words in pink.

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