New Book on “Differentiated Instruction” in Second Language Classroom

by Irene

There is an excellent new book by Katy Arnett who teaches at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  It is called “Languages for All:  How to Support and Challenge Students in a Second Language Classroom.”  It was published in 2013 in Toronto, Ontario by Pearson Canada.

This book has a decidedly Canadian focus, but it would be helpful for anyone seeking to differentiate instruction in a second language classroom.  I especially like especially Chapter 2, which looks at various student scenarios of how struggling students might be conducting themselves in class (e.g. “Why doesn’t this student seem to understand what I’m saying?”), and then gives some possible explanations for that conduct.  Each behavior described is accompanied by an exploration / simulation activity that can give the reader a sense of the challenges at-risk students face on a daily basis.  Other chapters suggest differentiated activities and explain inclusive lesson design.

I heartily recommend this book.

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Mary Pistorino December 20, 2017 at 9:53 am

Hi, my colleagues and I are reading your book and I would like to get the one you mention above about differentiating instruction. I can’t seem to find it – not available on Amazon. Would you have an idea who to contact? Thanks!!


Irene December 20, 2017 at 11:14 am

Hello Mary,
Thanks for contacting me. The Katy Arnett book is available on the CANADIAN version of Amazon (and remember that their price is also in Canadian currency, which is about 80% of American currency, so it is not as expensive as it looks!). Here is the link to Arnett’s book:

Hope that helps. I’d love to hear back from you and your colleagues how you are using my book and what you are finding helpful. I always welcome questions and comments.


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